Meditating to help sleep better
More and more scientists are discovering the connection between the mind and the gut with the mantra being if you can heal your gut, you can heal many other health problems as well including anxiety, depression and insomnia. Everyone seems to know that probiotics are great for wellbeing, but what isn’t so well known is…
Just as the old adage say, one of the best pieces of advice I can give you is to never go to bed angry. A sure fire way for me to have a bout of insomnia is to fight before bed. Fighting hypes up the fight or flight adrenal glands and surges of adrenalin and…
Discover sleep hacks to help you fall asleep fast and subscribe to my youtube channel
If you’ve ever tried a sleeping pill you will most likely realise that you never wake up feeling as good as you did if you didn’t take one. That is of course if they work. If they don’t work then you feel like you’ve been run over by a train the next day, groggy yet…
It seems that everyone is jumping on the sleep bandwagon. And it makes sense because we spend a good part of everyday in bed. I am going to make today’s post short and sweet because it reflects the simplicity of the website a company that specialises in linen sheet sets. What better excuse to sleep…
When asked about the kinds of treatment approaches I take and the various nutrients I recommend (particularly in relation to how I cured my own insomnia) my answer is often something simple. It’s evident by the look on the person’s face that I should be saying something much more complex and involving. Don’t get me…
I have been sitting here all morning frantically trying to get through my “to do list” that seems to keep growing in front of my eyes. Rather than stick to one sheet of paper I use sticky notes with each individual “to do” item. I then find it therapeutic to throw away each piece of…
If you’re struggling with getting a good night sleep, chances are that you’re experiencing the negative consequences that go hand in hand with insomnia. Irritable moods, lack of concentration, decreased motivation and utter exhaustion being just the start. Left untreated these issues can lead to serious problems including breakdown in relationships, loss of job, decreased…
I was walking along Bondi Beach yesterday on my way to deliver flyers to my local coffee shops when I spotted a friend leisurely walking up the hill with a towel over his shoulder. He told me that he noted what a beautiful day it was so decided to make the most of it and…