10 SLEEP HACKS – How to fall asleep fast
Discover sleep hacks to help you fall asleep fast and subscribe to my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjbq30sPDLyuu0MIQvBmhZA
Discover sleep hacks to help you fall asleep fast and subscribe to my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjbq30sPDLyuu0MIQvBmhZA
It comes as no surprise that increase in obesity over recent decades has grown hand in hand with chronic sleep problems. In fact scientific evidence shows a strong link between lack of sleep and weight increase. Shorter sleep has also been found to be linked to an increased body mass index (BMI). So how do…
Eating sugar rich foods boosts blood sugar, and will give you a boost of energy. This is something to keep in mind if you are tempted to snack before bedtime because when your brain realises that your body is full of sugar, your pancreas will release large amounts of insulin to transfer the sugar from…
It took me years to realise that I am allergic to garlic. Not allergic in the traditional sense, more that every time I have garlic I’m stimulated as though I have had twenty cups of coffee. Whenever I used to eat out I’d return home and be unable to get to sleep. One night lying…
If you’ve ever tried a sleeping pill you will most likely realise that you never wake up feeling as good as you did if you didn’t take one. That is of course if they work. If they don’t work then you feel like you’ve been run over by a train the next day, groggy yet…
It seems that everyone is jumping on the sleep bandwagon. And it makes sense because we spend a good part of everyday in bed. I am going to make today’s post short and sweet because it reflects the simplicity of the website rectangle.co a company that specialises in linen sheet sets. What better excuse to sleep…
I am sure I must have been a princess in a former life. People have likened me to the Princess and the Pea. My mattress needs to be just right. I may as well be on the floor as be given a hard mattress. It’s said that hard mattresses are best for the back, but…
You hear and see it everywhere – where beauty and health are concerned, nothing less than a minimum of 7 hours a night sleep are mandatory. Well that’s all fine if you can get it, but what if you can’t? Does that mean these people will just have to accept the fate of growing old…
Every day is a new opportunity to start life afresh and every day with insomnia leads to disappointment and exhaustion. So many opportunities go by all thanks to tiredness.Even when I’m exhausted I try to convince myself that tomorrow will be better and I can try to start to put some of my ideas into…