Meditating to help sleep better
More and more scientists are discovering the connection between the mind and the gut with the mantra being if you can heal your gut, you can heal many other health problems as well including anxiety, depression and insomnia. Everyone seems to know that probiotics are great for wellbeing, but what isn’t so well known is…
I’ve had this theory for years and years that when I’ve slept well I look far better than when I’ve had poor sleep, and will go as far as say that I go from appearing attractive to the opposite sex to relatively unattractive. For so long people have told me it was all in my…
Forever on the lookout for ways to improve your sleep, I stumbled across the idea that if you have 6 days of 28 hours as opposed to 7 days of 24 hours, you may have really great sleep. This could be a tip if you’re a night worker or huge party animal. Though I don’t…
Sleep is something the majority of people take for granted, that is of course until the day they find themselves with a bad bout of insomnia. Then it can become an ongoing daily battle, with obsession sometimes setting in, in turn leading to a whole new set of problems such as depression, breakdown in relationships,…