Nothing says well rested like a sun kissed glow

On the rare days I’ve managed to fake a good night sleep and look a million dollars even though I was feeling fifty cents, is when I over baked my skin in the sun. Now I would NEVER recommend this. If only I’d discovered the amazing bronzers and fake tans now on the market ten years ago or so.

I have tried nearly all of them and some are better than others. But my go to fave are definitely By Terry.

  1. TERRY Face and Body Liquid Bronzer


This honestly looks as real as if I’d spent two weeks in the Bahamas. Without the pesky worry about skin cancer. So easy to apply, with hands or good quality makeup brush like the one by hourglass. Shake the product for a dewy sparky result or a natural matt finish when left unshaken. Totally magic.

2. Hourglass Cosmetic Brush No. 2


Gives a nice even consistency for an air brushed finish.

For an extra boost on the face I like to use

3. Terry Tinted “Soleil” Bronzer


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